

Accounts Receivable vs Unearned Revenue Difference and Comparison

For instance, if a gym member pays his annual fees on July 31st and follows a normal accounting year, only five months’ fees will be recognized as revenues. The second broader category of the revenues is the unearned revenues. However, unearned revenues are common practice in services businesses like insurance, clubs, and large manufacturing corporations. The company keeps crediting the

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Outsourced Tax Preparation Services for Enterprises

You can be confident of secured work delivery, and use of updated tax software’s, when you outsource to an experienced company. Discuss with your outsourced service provider and analyze the pros and cons of each engagement model before signing on the dotted line. Most outsourced service companies offer free trials to help CPA firms decide what works best for them.

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Five main categories of spelling errors

Businesses can also make these types of errors when writing down a customer’s phone number, address, or sequence of numbers in an email address. A transposition error is a common accounting error that is caused by substituting two (or more) sequential digits. For example, when a bookkeeper enters the number 56 instead of 65, it is a transposition error. Reversing

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Wave Security Check-in

It’s very easy to get used to the WaveApps interface, as it is intuitive and straightforward. For these reasons, Wave ranks as one of the best payroll software for small business. In addition, Wave allows you to add an unlimited number of partners, collaborators, or accountants. Wave payment processing feature allows users to accept credit card and ACH payments. Wave

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10 Basic Accounting Principles & Key Assumptions 2019 GAAP Guide

A balance sheet is a snapshot of a business’s assets and liabilities as of a particular date. Formally reported data must be fact-based and dependent on clear, concrete numbers. Businesses can still engage in speculation and forecasting, of course, but they cannot add this information to formal financial statements. This principle requires accountants to use the same reporting method procedures

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Fully Depreciated Assets A quick glance on fully depreciated assets

IAS 8 requires recognizing change in accounting estimates prospectively (now and in the future). The fact that an entity correctly plans the management of assets is essential to avoid fully depreciated assets within the financial statements and that the entity continues to use them. Fully depreciated assets can be a headache for a company when an external audit revises the

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Whats the Difference Between Budgeting and Forecasting?

A forecast period is generally shorter than that of a budget because forecasts are made frequently by businesses. For instance, some businesses forecast every quarter while others forecast monthly. Forecasts take into account the numerous market conditions, which are why they are closer to reality. Overall, the OBR’s profile for GDP growth is closer to – though still significantly more

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Монеты из недрагоценных металлов

Сложно ответить однозначно, в каком металле выгоднее открыть ОМС. Все зависит от цели, сроков инвестирования и ситуации на рынке. Как правило, банки предлагают открыть ОМС в золоте, серебре, платине или палладии. Нет универсального способа инвестирования в драгоценные металлы, который подойдет всем. Подходящий вариант для тех, кто только начал задумываться о том, как вложить деньги в серебро или золото. Благодаря схожим

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Month-end close process: how to make accounting more efficient

Accurate monthly financial reports help you improve transparency and track KPIs correctly. So, a final review is always done before the closing process is capex vs revenue expenditure completed. This review is done by the top management or someone who wasn’t involved in the closing process to get a fresh view of all the data once again. One of the

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